A Fistful of Poetry, Book Launch
Monday, February 22, 2010 at 10:37AM
Gilad Atzmon

'To write a poem is to defy the symbolic order. To write a poem is to resist. To write a poem is to say NO to oppression. To write a poem is to put yourself in the place of the other. Richard Jones is a poet of Resistance.'  (G. Atzmon)

A Fistful of Poetry

Richard Jones will launch his new book of poetry at the Dylan Thomas Centre on Wendesday 24th at 7.30pm.

Richard is twice winner of the English Medal at the University of Wales Eisteddfod. Vanished into 'chalk Siberia' for 29 years. Re-emerged scarred but intact. He is published in the New Welsh Review and Roundyhouse. A Fistful of Poetry, his well established blog, is being followed by 'A Fistful of Poetry' the book.


All proceeds from which will go to medical aid for Palestinians. 

Article originally appeared on Gilad Atzmon (http://gilad.squarespace.com/).
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