On Immoral Interventionism 
Saturday, August 31, 2013 at 4:02PM
Gilad Atzmon

By Gilad Atzmon 

As we are marching towards an imminent American attack on Syria, a conflict that can easily escalate into a regional disaster, it is embarrassing to recall that just four months ago some of our ‘leading’ political scientists were clumsy enough to lend their names to a pro interventionist petition. On April 8th we found out that Tariq Ali, Norman Finkelstein and Ilan Pappe, amongst others, demanded “that Bashar al-Asad leave immediately without excuses so that Syria can begin a speedy recovery towards a democratic future.”

I learned today that Tariq Ali confessed to friends that he regretted signing this interventionist petition, bless him.  However, I wonder where Ilan Pappe and Norman Finkelstein stand on the issue? Is the looming American attack what they had in mind?

Article originally appeared on Gilad Atzmon (http://gilad.squarespace.com/).
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