PM Gordon Brown, Here Is My Shopping List by Gilad Atzmon
Sunday, October 4, 2009 at 7:17PM
Gilad Atzmon in Palestine, Satire

Jan 20th, 2009 

Gordon Brown the British PM has managed to come up yesterday with one of his most immoral and irresponsible announcements so far. In his desperate attempt to appease notorious Israeli war criminal leadership, Brown pleaded to redeploy the British Navy in the region.  “We'll send Royal Navy to help fight (weapon) smuggling,” said the British PM.

Mr PM, can’t you see for yourself the total carnage inflicted on the innocent Palestinian civilians by the IDF?  Didn’t you follow, like the rest of us, the horrendous indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians perpetrated by the Israel army while being fully supported by the Israeli Jewish population? Did you also manage to miss the repeated Israeli usage of unconventional weapons against innocent civilians? Did you fail to learn about the repeating reports of Israeli bombardments of UN refugee centres

PM Brown, in case you do not realise, the Palestinian people urgently need weapons to defend themselves against one of the strongest armies in the world. It is the Palestinian people who need protection against one of the most immoral military powers in the history of humanity. For the last three weeks the Palestinian people needed the Royal Navy to intervene and protect them from indiscriminate shelling by the Israeli Navy. The Palestinian people needed the Royal Navy to impose a siege on Haifa, Ashdod and Eilat ports to make it impossible for America to supply Israel with weapon through the sea.  The Palestinian people needed the British aircraft carriers to be deployed in the region so they could deter the IAF from dropping one-tonne bombs on innocent civilians.


PM Brown, may I remind you that just a few weeks before the IDF launched its genocidal attempt against the Palestinian people, your foreign minister David Miliband visited Sderot to show solidarity with the Israeli people. Here is what he had to say  "It's very important that countries like mine and others show their solidarity with the people of Sderot.” This idiotic statement made by a senior minister in your cabinet was obviously interpreted by the Israelis as a green light to reduce Gaza into pile of rubble.


PM Brown, I can imagine how busy you are, I do realise that once a day you have to bail out a UK Bank. I also know that you know that we all know that you do not really mean what you say about the redeployment of the Royal Navy. But I may try to help you here. If you really want to promote a chance for peace in the region, the only thing you can do is to make sure that Palestinian people can defend themselves. You have to offer the Palestinian people the most sophisticated defensive weapons available in the British military arsenal.


Being the longest serving British chancellor you must grasp that such an initative would help to roll the crumbling British industry.  It will save Palestinian lives but it will also prevent the Israelis from celebrating their proved murderous inclinations in the near future.


Mr. PM, in order not to waste too much of your time, I will present you with a short and basic list of some essential defensive weapons that the Palestinian people need urgently just to defend themselves: 

  1. 3000 short and medium range Anti-Aircraft Missiles so Palestinians can defend their sky from Israeli Jets.
  2. 1000 Anti-Aircraft Guns so Palestinians can defend their sky from Israeli attack helicopters and surveillance planes.
  3. 750 radar guided Ground to Sea Missiles so Palestinians can defend their cities from Israeli Navy indiscriminate killing.
  4. 10,000 Anti Tank Missiles so Palestinians can prevent Israeli tanks and armoured vehicles from driving over Palestinian neighborhoods and refugee camps.
  5. 2000 ambulances. We need plenty because Israeli Army regards ambulances and emergency rescuers as an easy military target.
  6. 2500 cruise missiles, just to make sure that Palestinian combatants can target Israeli decision makers and military strategic centres instead of the habitants of Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod. 

The PM may note that the list above is largely a defensive one. Unlike Israel, the Palestinians do not need tanks, destroyers, jet fighters, cluster bombs, white phosphorus shells or nuclear submarines. All they need is a fair chance to defend themselves from Israeli barbarism. But it is not only just the Palestinians who need a saviour here. The truth of the matter is simple.  The Jewish State needs the Palestinian military to be strong because this is the only thing that may stop Israelis from exercising their proved genocidal inclinations.



Article originally appeared on Gilad Atzmon (
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