Ramzy Baroud UK Tour-Don't miss it!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010 at 2:18PM
Gilad Atzmon


Internationally respected Palestinian/American writer Ramzy Baroud is touring Britain with his phenomenal new book "My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story ' (Pluto Press 2010). .


Noam Chomsky: "Ramzy Baroud's sensitive, thoughtful, searching writing penetrates to the core of moral dilemmas that their intended audiences evade at their peril"

Gilad Atzmon – : "Ramzy Baroud’s “My Father Was A Freedom Fighter” is more than a book, it is actually a masterpiece .. Ramzy’s father Mohammed, was a freedom fighter. He didn’t win a single war, not even a battle, yet, against all odds, in spite of his poverty and illness, he managed to educate his children and to plant hope in their young souls

Cindy and Craig Corrie, The Rachel Corrie Foundation: "This book should be read by all who struggle to understand the Middle East and to find passage to a just peace in the region."


Sunday 18th April (12.00 - onward) Talk and book signing, Waterstones Richmond, West London

Monday 19th April (12:00 –15:00) Glasgow University

Monday 19th  6 pm April - Annual Hetherington lecture, Stirling University

Tuesday 20th  7 pm April - Dundee University

Wed 21st  April (7:00 –9:30 pm) Jews for Justice for Palestinians @ YMCA Fitzroy Sq

Thurs 22nd April (7-9 pm) - Richmond & Kingston PSC United Reform Church

Fri 23rd  April (6:30-8:15 pm) - Bookmarks 1 Bloomsbury Street, London

Sunday 25th  April (7.45pm - ) Chapel Arts Centre, Halifax

Monday 26th April (6.30 pm-), with Gilad Atzmon - Albion Beatnik Bookshop, 34a Walton Street, Jericho, Oxford.



Article originally appeared on Gilad Atzmon (http://gilad.squarespace.com/).
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