Songs of the Metropolis - The Last Leg of our OHE UK tour
Monday, March 11, 2013 at 9:55AM
Gilad Atzmon

Today in Shetland Island:

18:00 Improvisation Master Class.

20:00 The Primacy of the Ear -The Wandering Who, a book launch  Islesburgh Community Centre, Shetland Island (+master classes) 

13 Jazz Bar, Edinburgh /

14 Band on the Wall, Manchester /

15 The Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal, Cumbria /  

17 Herts Jazz, Welwyn Garden City /

30 The 606 Club, London /


Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble

Gilad's music facebook page


‘A subtle blend of East and West, that’s brutal and beautiful BBC.

‘A formidable improvisational array...a jazz giant steadily drawing himself up to his full height...’ The Guardian.

 ‘The best musician living in the world today’ Robert Wyatt

"The Band has created perhaps their most enduring ensemble work yet" Andy Robson Jazzwise ****

"Whether he’s blowing up a storm of notes or gently caressing a ballad, there’s a luminous vitality at the heart of Atzmon’s playing that’s irresistible to the ear" Record Collector ****

A hard-hitting but wide-ranging set from an admirably tight and robust band led by one of the most charismatic and focused reedsmen on the planet. Chris Parker LondonJazz

'Atzmon has produced his most mature, and in many ways his most diverse, work to date' Ian Mann Jazzmann *****


Atzmon and the excellent pianist Frank Harrison do to the old parsley-sage tune what John Coltrane and McCoy Tyner did to My Favourite Things Irish Time ****

Conjuring an atmosphere of evocative cinematic suggestion BBC Music Review

Peon to a recent past, when urban spaces belonged to the people who lived in them, and cities had distinct emotional characters Financial Times ****

'Fearless bebop player steeped in the work of Coltrane and Parker' Tony Benjamin This Is Bristol

'Conceptualist, composer and soloist' Jazz Journal

'A souvenir-collecting world traveller' Jack Massarik, The Evening Standard ****

Gilad Atzmon - clarinet, sax, Yaron Stavi - bass, Eddie Hick - drums, Frank Harrison - piano.



Paris, in the name of love

Tel Aviv, the birth of the tragedy

Buenos Aires, for the pathos 

Vienna, for the charm of sweetness

Manhattan, in loving memory of America

Scarborough, as opposed to London

Moscow, in honour of greatness

Berlin, as a farewell to productivity

Somewhere in Italy but not too far from home



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