“The Answer to BDS is Jewish Power”
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 at 12:15AM
Gilad Atzmon

By Gilad Atzmon


While the BDS and Electronic Abunimah make a continuous and relentless effort to stop us from talking about ‘Jewish Power', Ben Cohen and The Algemeiner stated today, in the open,  that  The Answer to BDS is Jewish Power.”

While Jewish Left proves to us again and again that Jewish Power is the capacity to stop us discussing Jewish power, Zionist Cohen is actually proud to discuss, explore and even brag about 'Jews' and their 'powers.'

Cohen wrote today, “in fighting the academic boycott and BDS … we should not lose awareness of the power we 21st-century Jews have, nor our ability to wield it.”

 You may note that Cohen doesn’t refer to the ‘Israeli Lobby’ or the ‘Zionist federation.’ He is precise and accurate. He points at ‘Jews’, ‘their power’ and the ability to ‘wield it.’

 One question is left open: How is it possible that the Zionist Cohen is more genuine and accurate than a Palestinian liberation outlet or the entire BDS?  


The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics and controlled opposition - available on Amazon.com  & Amazon.co.uk

Article originally appeared on Gilad Atzmon (http://gilad.squarespace.com/).
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