The Guardian Of Big Money
Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 11:37AM
Gilad Atzmon

By Gilad Atzmon

The Guardian is backing a "No" vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

“Nationalism is not the answer to social injustice,” the paper’s editorial suggested yesterday.

Not that I want to enter this debate. I am an immigrant in the UK and I do not feel entitled to take part in this discussion. However, this tense political situation deserves our close intellectual attention.

Is it really a coincidence that Britain is on the verge of tribal and nationalist fragmentation at the time the Middle East is going through the exact same process? For the time being I’ll leave this question open.

The Guardian insists that ‘nationalism’ is not the ‘answer to social injustice,’ but can it support an argument to backup such a pompous statement? What is it in the love to one’s soil and people that contradicts social justice? Is belonging to an extended national collective necessarily a bad thing?

If the Guardian had the courage to self-reflect it may as well realised that it is the anti British ideology that has been spewed by the paper, as well as the New Left, that led to the rise of Scottish nationalism. The reason is simple – the ordinary Scot may say  ‘If Britain has nothing to offer as an extended nationalist collective, we the Scots have a lot to offer instead.’

The Guardian may as well want to ask itself, how did it end up in the same camp with the big businesses and global banks? The answer is simple. Globalisation and New Left’s anti patriotism are intermingled. The New Left is there to weaken the state and break the Working Class into ID groups and by doing so preparing the ground for the invasion of big money and Global forces.  The Guardian of Judea had a major role in facilitating this unfortunate social change.

Article originally appeared on Gilad Atzmon (
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