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To Buy Gilad's Music and Books

Atzmon writes  on political matters, social issues,  Jewish identity and culture. His  papers are published on very many press outlets around the world.  Here is just a short list of his recent publications: World News, Press Tv, Rebelion, The Daily Telegraph, Uprooted Palestinians, Veterans Today, Palestine Telegraph, Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Aljazeera Magazine,   Information Clearing House,   Middle-East-Online,   Palestine Chronicle, The People Voice, RedressShoa (The Palestinian Holocaust) , The Guardian, transcend and many more.

Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics

Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. The purpose in this book is to open many of these issues up for discussion. Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of ’Judaism’, ‘Jewishness’, ‘Jewish culture’ and ‘Jewish ideology’ stand for. Gilad examines the tribal aspects embedded in Jewish secular discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist; the ‘holocaust religion’; the meaning of ‘history’ and ‘time’ within the Jewish political discourse; the anti-Gentile ideologies entangled within different forms of secular Jewish political discourse and even within the Jewish left. He questions what it is that leads Diaspora Jews to identify themselves with Israel and affiliate with its politics. The devastating state of our world affairs raises an immediate demand for a conceptual shift in our intellectual and philosophical attitude towards politics, identity politics and history.

The book is available on  or

Gilad Atzmon on HardTalk BBC Persia (english) from Gilad Atzmon on Vimeo.

Entries from August 1, 2013 - August 31, 2013


Trane Lives! Gig Review

Gilad Atzmon Qt. - Atzmon on soprano, Thornton, and Simpson

Live Music Review:
Gilad Atzmon Quartet - The Spirit of Coltrane At The Pizza Express Jazz Club Soho,
London W1, Monday 8th August 2013
Gilad Atzmon Quartet - The Spirit of Coltrane
Pizza Express Jazz Club Soho
10 Dean St., London W1D 3RW
Monday 8th August 2013 8pm

Gilad Atzmon Quartet :
Gilad Atzmon - tenor & soprano sax
Frank Harrison - piano
Ernesto Simpson - drums
Tim Thornton - bass

All photographs by and © Teresa Hunt

Gilad Atzmon Quartet - The Spirit of Coltrane At The Pizza Express Jazz Club Soho,
London W1, Monday 8th August 2013

Trane Lives!

That is the inescapable conclusion you would have reached too, if you had been at The Pizza last night, Monday 5th August 2013, for contemporary legend Gilad Atzmon's tribute gig to the legend of the past John Coltrane, the Gilad Atzmon Quartet - The Spirit of Coltrane At The Pizza Express Jazz Club Soho, and if you had ever seen Trane himself.


It was a cool, wet evening, but The Pizza was on fire! Searing white heat permeated the place as soon as Atzmon and Co. started off with Naima. How we all got out alive from the packed out Pizza is still something of a mystery. Packed out, on a Monday night! But then, this was Gilad Atzmon, with an all-star line-up of the 'Jewel in His Crown,' genius pianist Frank Harrison, and star drummer Ernesto Simpson (playing with Atzmon for the first time but as if he'd been playing with him all his life!) and 'rising star' bassist Tim Thornton who amply proved that he is a star already.

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I salute the BBC (not)

The BBC was reportedly set to cut out remarks about apartheid in Israel made by world famous violinist  Nigel Kennedy two weeks ago at the Proms Music Festival.


Would the BBC leave Kennedy’s comment in, no one would have noticed it. But now, we are all paying attention to Kennedy’s observation.  But we also learn a crucial lesson about Jewish power in Britain in general and within the BBC in particular!

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a bit facile to say it but we all know from experiencing this night of music  that giving equality and getting rid of apartheid means there's a chance for amazing things to happen," Nigel Kennedy said while introducing artists from the Palestine Strings at the Proms music festival two weeks ago.

And I wonder, what could lead the BBC to remove such a beautiful a humanist and universalist statement?


Nigel Kennedy & Palestine Strings at the Prom (must watch)

They are incredible!!!

BBC Proms 2013 from the Royal Albert Hall, London.

Nigel Kennedy plays 'Spring' from Vivaldi's The Four Seasons with Palestine Strings and Members of the Orchestra of Life as part of Prom 34.

This concert was broadcast live on BBC Radio 3, scheduled for broadcast on BBC Four 7.30pm on 23 August 2013 and is available on-demand for seven days after broadcast. Radio 3 is streamed in HD sound online.


Gilad Atzmon on HardTalk BBC Persia (French)


Dina Y Sulaeman on Gilad Atzmon & The Wandering Who


Gilad Atzmon is an 'enlightened' Jewish writer. He was born and raised in Israel and has long contemplated various paradoxes in his homeland. Eventually he left his himeland and later wrote a book entitled "The Wandering Who". This book dismantles the ideology and philosophy of Judaism and Zionism from the root. Inevitably, he was hated by the Zionists, though at the same time, able to enlighten many Jews. Strangely, even there have been some Palestinian activists protesting the book, such as Ali Abunimah. They have made a petition accusing Gilad as racist. The book seems to be a 'differentiator' for those who claim themselves Palestinian activists. There are those who really want the independence of Palestine, and support the Atzmon's book. But there are also many who actually just want power and money through their activity. The book also dismantles the guise of some Jewish peace groups, because some other Jewish groups who claim themselves anti-colonial activists in Palestine, have also rejected the contents of the book. Here we see that they really want to create an imaging only instead of upholding justice in Palestine.


In his blog, Atzmon actively criticizes the Israeli actions with a unique perspective, the perspective of a Jew who truly understands the essence of Israel and Judaism. Latest posts on his blog are about the Israeli actions in Syria and I think are interesting to be examined. I will translate some parts of his notes.

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Blue Train Gilad Atzmon @ the Pizza Express Jazz Club


Gilad Atzmon – tenor saxophone

Frank Harrison – piano

Ernesto Simpson – drums

Tim Thornton – bass



By Gilad Atzmon

In my latest book The Wandering Who, I explore the ideological, spiritual and political continuum between Jewish identity politics and gay theory. Yesterday, Stephen Fry, a British gay Jewish playwright and celebrity, provided us with an opportunity to review the tight political and spiritual affinity between Jewish identity politics and the LGBT call.

In An Open Letter to PM David Cameron and the International Olympic Committee, Fry equated Putin’s anti gay policy with Hitler’s Jewish hatred.  Fry’s argument deserves some attention.

Hitler, says Fry “banned Jews from academic tenure or public office, he made sure that the police turned a blind eye to any beatings, thefts or humiliations afflicted on them, he burned and banned books written by them. He claimed they ‘polluted’ the purity and tradition of what it was to be German…”

According to Fry, “Putin is eerily repeating this insane crime, only this time against LGBT Russians. Beatings, murders and humiliations are ignored by the police. Any defence or sane discussion of homosexuality is against the law.“

Historical analogies are dangerous territory, especially when the necessary and even elementary scholarship is lacking. Needless to say that I oppose any form of abuse of human right against Jews, LGBTs, Palestinians or anyone else. However, I also oppose the emerging lame culture of sound bites and empty slogans in which Fry is, unfortunately, a leading exponent. 

Fry, for the obvious reasons, avoids the most necessary question - what is it that led to the dreadful treatment of Jews in the 3rd Reich?  Far from being surprising, he also avoids a similar question when it comes to Putin’s antagonism towards LGBT. And in fact, if we really want to fight oppression, these are the most crucial questions to ask and tackle.  I would argue that the difference between holocaust scholarship and proper history is that holocaust studies are mainly concerned with the study of the suffering (itself) while history attempts to grasp the events that brought the suffering into existence.  

The Jews who want to prevent Jewish future suffering must look closely into the repeated circumstances that made Jewish history into a chain of Shoas. They should read Bernard Lazare’s ‘Anti-Semitism, It's History and Causes’ instead of reading Anne Frank or the Jewish Chronicle.  Similarly, gay theoreticians should examine critically what is it exactly that the Russians oppose in the LGBT discourse. Is it possible that the Putin regards LGBT as a form of crude Western intervention? Maybe Stephen Fry should answer this question before he is lobbying again for an international boycott.

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Israel/Palestine and the Queer International – A Book Review by Gilad Atzmon

Israel/Palestine and the Queer International, a new book by writer/professor Sarah Schulman, tells the story of Schulman’s transformation from a “Jewish, lesbian New Yorker” into a “Cosmopolitan queer and avid BDS[1] advocate.” Her book is a must read—and not because it offers original ideological or political outlook, not at all. Schulman actually provides us with a unique and invaluable window into Jewish secular progressive thought. It unveils the structure of LGBT[2] politics and its operation within the Palestinian solidarity movement. Schulman also provides the reader some crucial and juicy references to the direct involvement of George Soros’ network in promoting a gay rights revolution in the Arab world in general, and in Iran and Egypt in particular.

Schulman is a fluent writer, her narration is smooth and flowing. But more than anything, she is astonishingly honest in her attempt to describe her journey. Indeed, her genuine openness is almost suicidal at times. This fact alone may explain why, despite its sensational title, her book has received little attention from the usually loud Jewish progressive network. 

In the very beginning of the book, Schulman provides us with an amazing confession most Jews would prefer to shove far under the carpet.

“We were raised with two Yiddish concepts about Christians: kopf and punim. Yiddishe kopf and Goyishe kopf. To say that someone had a Yiddishe kopf (A Jewish mind) was to say admiringly that he was a genius, that he was analytical and conceptual and an original thinker. To say that someone had a goyishe kopf was to say that he was dull-witted, conformist and slow” (p. 2).

One must admit that only rarely do Jews volunteer such intimate information that confirms the depth of racism and supremacy embedded within Jewish culture.

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Listen to Slapper Lewinsky  

“I have two proposals for you, neither of which is you not seeing me so just deal with it,” Lewinsky tells Clinton. “I’ll quickly sneak over and we can have a nice little visit for 15 minutes, or half an hour, of whatever you want.”

Lewinsky can also be heard playfully teasing the president and suggesting she was “too cute” to ignore in the tape that was previously thought to have been destroyed.

“You can’t refuse me, because I am too cute and adorable,” she says. “I can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Very persistent…I hope you will just follow the script and do what I want.”

It seems to me as if this over weight young women was rather assertive. 

From a tribal perspective, Lewinsky's conduct reminds us the the role of Biblical Queen Esther.  According to the Book Of Esther,  Esther was a Jewish queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus during the time of the Achaemenid empire.  She managed to influence the king to support the Jews. Her success is the basis for the celebration of Purim in Jewish tradition. The burst of the Lewinsky affair demolished  Clinton's ability to mount pressure on Israel or to lead the region towards a resolution.  

I guess Clinton, like King Ahasuerus has very bad taste as far as women are concerned.





BBC Persia / Gilad Atzmon HardTalk- The Transcription


NPP News: BBC Persia and Gilad Atzmon interview: abbreviations: BBC and GA.
I have transcribed most of the interview, to save others half an hour video watching and chronicle an interesting conversation on the... BBC! I am mostly disenchanted with my UK BBC service, yet this BBC Persia programme is worthwhile. However you deem jazz musician Gilad Atzmon, he is courageous and a recognised profile figure on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

02.08.2013 transcript

BBC: Are you anti-Semitic?

GA: Not at all. I am interested in Jewish identity politics. How do you define anti-Semitism?!

BBC: I am asking because you are frequently accused of being anti-Semitic.

GA: This is a common tactic used by Zionist and Jewish anti-Zionists to silence opposition to Israel, to Zionism, to Jewish politics, to Jewish power.

BBC: In the conclusion to your book The Wandering Who... it seems you are criticising not only the government; the state, but people because of their religion.

GA: No. I make a clear distinction:
(1) those who identify themselves as Jews because they follow the Torah,
(2) those because they have Jewish ancestry,
(3) and thirdly, those who identify themselves as Jews primarily, a problematic political identity.
Chaim Weizmann, first Israeli President, announced there are no British Jews, American Jews, French Jews. There are only Jews who live in America; live in Britain; live in France. Being a Jew was a primary category. This is the heart of Zionism. On the other hand we have Jewish anti-Zionists who, rather than call themselves anti-Zionists who happen to be Jews, call themselves Jewish anti-Zionists. For them also, being Jewish is a primary category. In my book I try to concentrate on this third category. I try to ask, what does it mean? Most of them are not religious at all. Zionism is not a religious movement; it is a secular movement. According to American historian, Yuri Slezkine, the (Jewish) Bund operating in Eastern Europe as a Marxist apparatus, wasn’t religious, it was a secular, atheist movement and the catalyst in the destruction of the Ukraine people; Stalin’s willing executioners; referred to as Bolsheviks, nothing to do with Judaism.

BBC: If you criticise the Jewish culture, tradition, identity, you are basically for the whole annihilation of the whole of Judaism altogether.

GA: You already contradict yourself. I don’t criticise Jewish tradition. If Jews want to eat chicken soup, I like chicken soup myself, but it (chicken soup) is not a political concept. When it comes to culture, what is it that I criticise? Chosenness; supremacy, the idea that we are the chosen people. In my book I make it clear, that from a religious Jewish perspective, chosenness is a burden; the Jews are demanded to stand as a moral exemplary case.

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The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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