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    To Buy Gilad's Music and Books

    Atzmon writes  on political matters, social issues,  Jewish identity and culture. His  papers are published on very many press outlets around the world.  Here is just a short list of his recent publications: World News, Press Tv, Rebelion, The Daily Telegraph, Uprooted Palestinians, Veterans Today, Palestine Telegraph, Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Aljazeera Magazine,   Information Clearing House,   Middle-East-Online,   Palestine Chronicle, The People Voice, RedressShoa (The Palestinian Holocaust) , The Guardian, transcend and many more.

    Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics

    Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. The purpose in this book is to open many of these issues up for discussion. Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of ’Judaism’, ‘Jewishness’, ‘Jewish culture’ and ‘Jewish ideology’ stand for. Gilad examines the tribal aspects embedded in Jewish secular discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist; the ‘holocaust religion’; the meaning of ‘history’ and ‘time’ within the Jewish political discourse; the anti-Gentile ideologies entangled within different forms of secular Jewish political discourse and even within the Jewish left. He questions what it is that leads Diaspora Jews to identify themselves with Israel and affiliate with its politics. The devastating state of our world affairs raises an immediate demand for a conceptual shift in our intellectual and philosophical attitude towards politics, identity politics and history.

    The book is available on  or

    Gilad Atzmon on HardTalk BBC Persia (english) from Gilad Atzmon on Vimeo.


    Welcome to Zionised Britain by Gilad Atzmon

    Gilad Atzmon - Marxism 2005 talk


    “Let’s see how the Israelis cope with the threat of terror”, said the BBC presenter in a London studio. Seemingly, we are now supposed to be learning from the experience of the Israelis. Ask yourselves why. Simply because we are now fully Zionised, we are fighting the Zionist wars and we pay the heaviest price for it.

    A second later we are watching a news item from Jerusalem, the local BBC correspondent is interviewing three American settlers. They are all overwhelmingly confident. They are telling us that thanks to security officers located now at every bus stop in town, Jerusalem hasn’t experienced a suicide attack for over 18 months. Let me tell you, the reality is somewhat different. The Palestinians are now locked behind separation walls, within enclaves, Bantustans and concentration camps. I do hope that you all realise that if we give Tony Blair enough time this will be the reality of Birmingham, Bradford or any other mixed city in the UK. Racial hatred is the biggest danger for a multi-ethnic society and we are such a society.

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    Blair the Camera Man-Gilad Atzmon


    In case you missed them, here are the words of wisdom Tony Blair uttered yesterday:

    “Until we get rid of this complete nonsense of trying to build some equivalence between what we are doing helping Iraqis and Afghans build their democracy and these people going and deliberately killing people for the sake of it, we are not going to confront this ideology in the way that it needs to be confronted.” - Tony Blair (,16132,1536268,00.html).

    Tony Blair is an advanced political thinker. Following his articulate analysis, terrorists are killing people for the ‘sake of it’. The soldiers that he made certain the Great Britain sent to far off lands, on the other hand, kill only because Blair and Britain want to help Arabs and Afghanis to ‘build their democracy’. Come on Tony, do we look that stupid?

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    Peace is not Shalom and Shalom is not Sharon by Gilad Atzmon

    A Hebrew Lesson

    Peace is not Shalom and Shalom is not Sharon

    For the last few days we have been reading some flattering reports concerning the latest political moves of Sharon undertaken in his newly born peace loving persona. Sharon, a notorious war criminal, a man who has managed to prove time after time that he is totally lacking in any sense of moral guard or ethical consideration, has now managed to convince the Western media that he is the Israeli ‘voice of responsibility’. Make no mistake, Sharon and the Israeli people are indeed devoted ‘peace’ lovers, yet, it is rather critically important to mention that the Israeli notion of peace is pretty remote from any notion of peace familiar to the rest of humanity. When we think of the Hebrew word for peace we traditionally refer to the word ‘Shalom’. But apparently, shalom and peace aren’t exactly the same. In fact they are very different. While shalom refers to the freedom from conflict while achieving a general sense of security, peace has a far broader meaning. Peace is a true resolution. Peace is the search for harmony between people. Peace is all about reconciliation.

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    The Plot Against America a book report and a reality check by Gilad Atzmon

    As it happened, on the day the Iranian President decided to share his thoughts regarding the legitimacy of the Jewish state with some four thousand students, I picked up Philip Roth’s latest book. This was nothing but a mere coincidence. Already a year ago, I was advised by a few friends to pay attention to Roth’s ‘Plot Against America’. The chunky hardcover book was awaiting my attention beside my bed since last Christmas, yet somehow I couldn’t find the time and energy to launch into a journey through Roth’s imaginary world. It was only a chance occurrence that just when I decided to begin my solitary walk through Roth’s labyrinth, the entire international community joined forces against President Ahmadinejad. But it wasn’t just the international community that voiced its indignation on cue, it was principally every Western media outlet and even the odd Palestinian opportunist politician who was probably craving for a glimpse of CNN exposure.

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    The Open Society and its Enemies - The Story of Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon

    Sixty years after its liberation, Auschwitz has become an international political event. It is not a matter of coincidence, and I feel that we should spare a moment asking ourselves: why now, why Auschwitz?

    Living in a scientific technological environment, it is natural for most commentators to judge any given narrative reflecting on its positive contents, i.e. the story it tells, the facts it picks up on and the message it conveys. When it comes to Auschwitz, it is always the terrifying numbers, Mengele and the selection, the clinical mass murder, the Gas Chambers, the trains, the famous Arbeit Macht Frei above the front gate, the death march just before liberation, etc. And yet, I would argue that it is at least as enlightening to expose that which the Auschwitz narrative is there to conceal. Every historical tale can operate as a smoke screen; narratives are very effective in encouraging collective blindness. Auschwitz and the Holocaust narrative, in this sense, are no different.

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    The J word, the J people and the J spot by Gilad Atzmon

    Many of us, the critical voices of Zionism and Israel, have already realised something: it is advisable to avoid using the ‘J’ word. Once you use the ‘J’ word you had better expect some serious trouble. But in fact, this is not entirely true. You can safely apply the ‘J’ word, you just have to make sure you say the right things. For instance no one is going accuse you of being a racist for flattering the ‘J’ people with some incredible positive superlatives. No one will cause you any trouble for saying that the J’s are very intelligent or a nice bunch of people. You can even lie and say that they are extremely good looking and by far the kindest people on earth. It is only when you say what you really think that the real trouble starts. As soon as you become slightly genuine you will have to face an orchestrated smear campaign, you will be then called an ‘anti Semite’, a ‘new historian’ and even a ‘holocaust denier’. If you happen to be a ‘J’ yourself you will probably end up being labelled a ‘self-hating J’, no doubt a pretty prestigious club to be a member of.

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    Sex and Politics by Gilad Atzmon

    A talk in Bookmarks, London’s Marxist bookshop, 17.6.05

    Today I am going to talk about a man who has been removed from our intellectual discourse. Considering his immense influence in the first half of the 20th century, his complete disappearance must raise some questions. Wittgenstein regarded him as a major influence, James Joyce drew upon him in the writing of Ulysses. The man inspired Robert Musil and Herman Broch. I can easily trace his thoughts in Lacan and Heidegger. Freud was debating with his ideas and even Hitler mentioned him, admitting that “there was one decent Jew but even he killed himself”. Otto Weininger was one of the most influential intellectual figures in the first four decades of the 20th century and yet, I assume that not many in this room are familiar with his thoughts or have even heard his name before. I assume that I should tell you why. Ladies and Gentleman, Otto Wenienger was a racist, an anti Semite and a radical misogynist. He didn’t like Jews or women but guess what, he was a Jew himself and as far as historical research can reveal any truth at all, he was an effeminate one.

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    The Passion of Arafat by Gilad Atzmon

    November 16, 2004

    In the last ten days of his life the world held its breath following what appeared to be an everlasting battle between a giant freedom fighter and the angel of death. Many of us were following the news with care, many of us were praying for the president's recovery. Apparently, not all of us: we also had a chance to see some necrophiliac Israeli ministers who would not let go, for them this was an opportunity to entertain themselves with fatality, an opportunity not to be missed. They tried to convince us for the last time that Arafat was a terrorist, that the notion of him being buried in Jerusalem amongst ‘Jewish Kings’ was inconceivable. These Israelis leaders insisted on telling us that this great man was an ‘enemy of peace’. But as it seems, their viciousness didn’t prevail.

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    Why Should He Apologise? Or Rather, Who Should Apologise? by Gilad Atzmon

    Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of the multi ethnic city of London, is asked to apologise after comparing an ‘Evening Standard’ reporter to a “concentration camp guard”. Like many other inhabitants of this colourful metropolis, I ask myself why should he apologise? As it seems, the answer is simple: he dared to insult a Jew. He neither referred to any Jewish characteristic the journalist may have had , nor did he refer to the reporter’s ethnic origin. The Mayor was just insulting a man who happened to be a Jew. In politically correct Britain this is unacceptable.

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    Israeli People's Most common Mistakes by Gilad Atzmon



    The most common mistakes made by Israelis are as follows:

    1. To fail to realize that there is no essential difference between Tel Aviv and a Jewish settlement in the West Bank.

    2. To believe that the creation of the state of Israel was an outcome of the Holocaust.

    3. To regard themselves as innocent people and thus as victims of the Israeli­Palestinian conflict.

    4. To believe that they live in a democracy and therefore that their atrocities are legitimate.

    5. To be convinced that they live in an open society which enjoys political and ideological diversity.

    6. To believe that the ghetto is behind them.

    7. To be convinced that the 'Jewish state' is a legitimate concept.

    8. To think that Israel is a shelter for the entire Jewish people and the best answer to anti-Semitism.

    9. To regard themselves as humanists.

    10. To be sure that Israel is immortal.

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    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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