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    GMF International Music Seminar JZ Shanghai Music Festival, China 12 - 18 October 200

    Global Music Foundation International Music Seminar
    About this Seminar Teachers/PerformersPartnersCourse TimetableSpecialist WorkshopsPricesApplicationsThe Right Course For You?Getting There


    About this Seminar

    This is a unique first time event in China. The spectacular setting of Shanghai, the team of outstanding performers and teachers and the varied schedule of activity all add up to an unforgettable experience for everyone who takes part.

    • An exceptional roster of International artists/teachers
    • A week of intensive music making and study including tuition, supervised rehearsals, instrumental classes, group workshops and evening jam sessions
    • Free admission to Jazz Festival concerts given by members of the faculty and guest artists
    • Free entry to the JZ Shanghai Music Festival
    • A range of complementary disciplines to broaden your horizons: Choir, Pulse Training, Ear Training, Vocal and Body work
    • A wonderful, dynamic city with some of the most innovative and stunning architecture in the world

    The course provides first-class tuition and many opportunities to listen and perform. And, in keeping with GMF's philosophy, the course takes a broad view of music-making; the instrumental, vocal, rhythmic and physical disciplines together lead the participant towards new levels of understanding, concentration and awareness.


    Guillermo Rozenthuler - Vocal
    Gilad Atzmon - Saxophones and clarinet
    Hugh Buckley - Guitar
    Frank Harrison - Piano
    Jeremy Brown - Bass
    Stephen Keogh - Drums

    Specialist workshops
    Vocal and Body work: Guillermo Rozenthuler
    Art of Conducting: Roland Melia
    Pulse training: Stephen Keogh


    JZ School
    JZ Shanghai Music Festival

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    Course Timetable

    Oct 12
    JZ School
    0900 - 1000 Registration
    1000 - 1100 Welcome followed by choir session with Guillermo Rozenthuler
    1100 - 1300 Orientation and Level Assessments
    1300 - 1430 Lunch
    1430 - 1515 Pulse Training
    1515 - 1545 Conducting Skills
    1600 - 1730 Ensemble Session

    JZ Club
    2100 - 2200 GMF performance
    Oct 13, 14 and 15
    JZ School
    1000 - 1200 Conducting Skills*

    Pulse Training*

    1200 - 1330 Instrument Classes
    1330 - 1430 Lunch
    1430 - 1600 Jazz Seminars

    Oct 13 - GMF Jazz Improvisation

    Oct 14 - Presented by Bernie's Lounge - non GMF activity

    Oct 15 - Presented by Catherine Lambert - non GMF activity
    1600 - 1730 Ensemble Session**

    JZ Club
    Oct 13 1930 - 2100 Jam Session
    Oct 14 1930 - 2100 Jam Session

    2100 - 2200 GMF performance
    Oct 16
    JZ School
    1000 - 1200 Conducting Skills*

    Pulse Training*

    1200 - 1330 Instrument Classes
    1330 - 1500 Lunch
    1500 - 1700 Grand performance rehearsal

    * Precise order of morning activities may be different.
    ** Wednesday the 14th Ensemble Session to be delivered by JZ School and some members of GMF faculty

    Oct 16, 17 & 18

    Free entry to the JZ Shanghai Music Festival

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    Specialist Workshops

    At the beginning of each day, students on all the courses come together to participate in a unique sequence of activities which collectively stimulate self-awareness and enhance creativity.


    Pulse Training - by Stephen Keogh

    Pulse lies at the heart of music, and developing one's own inner pulse is the goal of these sessions. The work fosters awareness - of the pulse, of silence, of the other members of the group. This workshop is hugely beneficial to musicians of every kind.


    Vocal and Body Training - by Guillermo Rozenthuler

    Working with the breathing, movement and body.
    Musical traditions from around the world provide the material for this workshop. Participants learn to connect the voice to the body, singing melodies and rhythms while playing patterns with the hands - and feet! In a group, the layering of parts energizes each musician bringing about greater awareness in collective music making.

    Every GMF workshop features outstanding musicians who are also great communicators. Under their guidance, participants gain valuable insights and playing experience, rehearsing together towards a concert. There are classes in the various musical disciplines such as instrumental technique, harmony, ensemble playing and improvisation, and, as well as teaching individually and in groups, the tutors give performances themselves.

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    Prices are for the course fee only. Accommodation and travel are not included. Assistance with arranging accommodation is available from our local partner JZ School after applications have been sent.

    2500 RMB if sign up and payment received on or before September 30th 2009 (approx 260 EUR, 230 GBP, 370 USD)

    2800 RMB if payment made after September 30th 2009 (approx 290 EUR, 255 GBP, 500 USD)


    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

    GiladAtzmon on Google+