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    Cork Festival 24th October 09

    Irish Times
    "Sunday afternoon’s shows at the Everyman, however, provided an object lesson in how jazz is being kept vibrant in the 21st century. Israeli reedman Gilad Atzmon, these days more widely known for his anti-Zionism than his music, is a rare example of a musician whose political passion enhances his playing."

    And there's a nice reader comment which appears below the Cork Independent review:

    "The Cork Jazz Fest this year was amazing, the Everyman Palace Theatre Sun Ra Arkestra was wild! Gilad Atzmon, unknown to me at the time was outstanding, I went to the double bill for Jack Dejohnette as much as I enjoyed him, Gilad stood out world-class to say the least!"

    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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