Spiegel: Gilad Atzmon- The Tide Has Changed (World Village)
Gilad Atzmon: "The Tide Has Changed" (World Village)
Seine Saxofon-Soli sind von Charlie-Parker-hafter Intensität und zeigen einmal mehr, was für ein Super-Jazzer der Musiker ist, den viele vor allem als Politaktivisten kennen. Atzmon nennt sein Quartett nach dem Jerusalemer Hauptquartier von Arafats P.L.O. The Orient House Ensemble und ergreift auch als Schriftsteller Partei für die Palästinenser. In seiner Musik verbindet der nach England emigrierte Israeli orientalische und westliche Klänge. Atzmons Agitation geht unter die Haut!
English translation
Gilad Atzmon: "The Tide Has Changed" (World Village)
His saxophone solos of Charlie Parker-like intensity and shows once again what a super jazz musician, whom many know primarily as a political activist. Atzmon calls his quartet to the Jerusalem headquarters of Arafat's PLO The Orient House Ensemble, and also as a writer takes sides with the Palestinians. His music combines the Israeli who emigrated to England Eastern and Western sounds. Atzmon agitation gets under your skin!
His saxophone solos of Charlie Parker-like intensity and shows once again what a super jazz musician, whom many know primarily as a political activist. Atzmon calls his quartet to the Jerusalem headquarters of Arafat's PLO The Orient House Ensemble, and also as a writer takes sides with the Palestinians. His music combines the Israeli who emigrated to England Eastern and Western sounds. Atzmon agitation gets under your skin!
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