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    Could not put it down!!

    Subject: The Wandering Who ?
    Message: Honestly, I loved it. Good job. Could not put it down.
    But then, I was (felt) a Jew for 10 years and a kind of Zionist with that,  until 1967 where I defected. Eventually  I realized I could only be what I am, ME .

    I am still interested in Jewish matters but only insofar as they have repercussions for Palestinians.

    You covered a lot of ground. I lost you when you became too philosophical, because I am not an intellectual. But this is no criticism.

    They cannot accuse you of being a holocaust denier. The last sentence of the acknowledgements was a "in cauda venenum" :-)  Loved it.

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    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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