Goldberg vs. Mearsheimer by Gilad Atzmon

Professor John Mearsheimer is subject to a Zionist-trans-Atlantic-attack for supporting my latest book The Wandering Who.
Earlier this year John Mearsheimer, the highly respected international relations theorist and Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, wrote the following preliminary front matter for my book:
‘Gilad Atzmon has written a fascinating and provocative book on Jewish identity in the modern world. He shows how assimilation and liberalism are making it increasingly difficult for Jews in the Diaspora to maintain a powerful sense of their 'Jewishness.' Panicked Jewish leaders, he argues, have turned to Zionism (blind loyalty to Israel) and scaremongering (the threat of another Holocaust) to keep the tribe united and distinct from the surrounding goyim. As Atzmon’s own case demonstrates, this strategy is not working and is causing many Jews great anguish. The Wandering Who? should be widely read by Jews and non-Jews alike.’
It seems as if the Zio-cons on both sides of the pond are now in a state of panic -- In an obviously orchestrated attack, the Zionist mouthpiece The Jewish Chronicle of London, the Islamophobic Award winning ‘Harry’s Place’ and the ex-Israeli concentration camp guard Jeffrey Goldberg* , all launched a typical Hasbara smear & intimidation campaign, in which they labeled both Professor Mearsheimer and myself anti Semites. I was also called a ‘neo Nazi’, a ‘Hitler apologist,’ a ‘Holocaust denier’ and a ‘hatemonger’.
To be honest, it is somewhat amusing that an ex concentration camp guard like Goldberg should label me a ‘Hitler apologist’ or a ‘Holocaust denier’: after all, since Goldberg is an ardent pro-war Zionist who openly and enthusiastically supports a Jews-only, racist, expansionist state, it is clear that he is actually the one who is an advocate of a distinctly Nazi-like ideology and practice.
In addition, I learned from Goldberg that Adam Holland (yet another notorious Zionist zealot), also cannot quite believe that Professor’ Mearsheimer would endorse my book.
Adam Holland wrote: “I had trouble believing that a distinguished professor at one of the world's greatest universities would link himself to a hatemonger like Atzmon. So I sent Professor Mearsheimer an email quoting the blurb and asking him to verify its accuracy. I also gave him an opportunity to amend it or add to it. Here's what he ( Mearsheimer) wrote back:
"The blurb below is the one I wrote for ‘The Wandering who’ and I have no reason to amend it or embellish it, as it accurately reflects my view of the book." John J. Mearsheimer
What is clear to the rest of us is that our Zionist detractors are fighting a lost battle. I really wonder what they hope to achieve: after all, those who have taken the time to actually read my work know very well that there is no hatred, no anti Semitism, and no racism in my entire body of work. Instead, I believe that truth is a dynamic process -- I believe in the power of reason and in free debate.
If Jeffrey Goldberg has any dignity left at all, then he should start again -- He should apologise to Professor Mearsheimer, myself, the Palestinians, and to humanity. He would do better to also try to present an argument, and if he actually has anything to say, he would be best advised to then learn how to argue and encounter in debate.
You can now order Gilad Atzmon's New Book on or
* In the light of Goldberg’s smears on both myself and Professor Mearsheimer, it is worth bearing in mind that Jeffrey Goldberg decided to make Aliya when he was eighteen: he left America for Israel, joined the IDF and served as a prison guard in an Israeli concentration camp during the First Intifada.
Reader Comments (23)
Gilad Atzmon : "I have many doubts concerning the Zionist Holocaust narrative. Being familiar with many of the discrepancies within the forcefully imposed narrative, being fully familiar with the devastating tale of the extensive collaboration between the Nazis and the Zionists before and throughout the Second World War, I know pretty well that the official Holocaust narrative is there to conceal rather than to reveal any truth."
What are these "many doubts", Mr Atzmon? Let's have them.
What is "the official Holocaust narrative"? What does your phrase actually mean - "official Holocaust narrative"?
By saying the 'official Holocaust narrative' conceals rather than reveals ANY you are actually saying it is untrue, correct? That would make you a Holocaust denier. If it does not reveal ANY truth, but rather conceals it, then how are you not a Holocaust denier? If the Holocaust narrative does not reveal ANY truth, then how could there have been a Holocaust?
And what does 'the official Holocaust narrative' conceal? And if it doesn't reveal ANY truth, what IS the truth about the Holocaust?
Atzmon: " I think that 65 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, we must be entitled to start to ask the necessary questions. We should ask for some conclusive historical evidence and arguments rather than follow a religious narrative that is sustained by political pressure and laws."
You are claiming there is no "conclusive historical evidence and argument" for the Holocaust.
If you really believe that, then why not profess that you are a Holocaust denial? And why do you try to sue people who claim you are a Holocaust denier?
You want to have it both ways, it seems. You seem to wish to be able to deny the Holocaust whilst avoiding the opprobrium Holocaust denial attracts.
Why do you pussyfoot about so much? If there's no historical evidence and argument for the Holocaust, then there's no reason to believe it. To say there's no evidence or argument to support it is denial, but you deny being a denier. Cowardice on your part, perhaps?
What are your specific doubts about the Holocaust? Let's have them?
Atzmon: I still do not know what holocaust denial entails.
But you deny you do it. Silly - you can't deny you do something when you do not know what that something is.
If you don't know what it is, then maybe you do do it. You certainly can't deny it if you don't know what it is.
may i ask, what is an Holocaust ?
My comment is in response to the other readers comments. Until 1991 a sign stood at Auschwitz that said "Four million Jews were murdered here". Now the sign says "1.1 million Jews were murdered here". The number was amended when the original figure could no longer be supported. I looked for the entry in wikipedia which used to have a picture of the old sign and the new sign, but wikipedia has since removed the photo of the old sign that once stood there. I wanted to look for the exact wording on the sign, but they decided to remove some information. Anyone that said prior to 1990 that one million people died at Auschwitz, not four million, was called a "holocaust denier" or maybe a "holocaust minimizer" (I don't know the date this term came into use). Wikipedia writes on its Auschwitz entry that "Holocaust deniers" "use" the change in the number put on the sign as evidence to support their case. This is an interesting twist on the story, because in fact it was the "holocaust deniers" researchers who can be credited (or blamed, depending on how you look at things) for having the sign changed.
When I was in high school in the 1970's I recall we spent several weeks in english class reciting Sylvia Plath poems (she was a noted poet) about how the Germans skinned Jews and made soap and lampshades from them. This was in New York and most of my classmates and friends were Jewish. Born to German parents myself, I slowly sank down in my seat and was completely quiet, but upset by the discussion. Both my teachers were Jewish. When I brought the subject up with one teacher, I objected to what they were teaching us. My teacher assured me it was all true and that one of his grandmothers was German and he was not anti-German. When I went to the high school principal to complain, saying my teachers were anti-German, my teacher said that was a "serious charge" and sent me on my way. They talked up this story for 30 or 40 years, making this sound like a big operation NAZI Germany had going on - skinning Jews and making soap and lampshades from them. We now know that this is a complete lie. A complete lie. The Germans didn't skin Jews.
At the Dachau concentartin camp there is a gas chamber and crematorium for all the visitors to see. We were told for years the Germans gassed people there and then cremated them. Historians now know that is not true. I'll post here a document where the United States Holocaust Musem says that although Ameican troops claimed people were gassed at Dachau, its not true, people were not gassed at Dachau. So this is a lie too.
Whether the other accusations made in the letter against the Germans are true or not, I don't know. Yet when you look at the wikipedia entry on Dachau they show a picture of what they say is a "crematorium in operation". The story we have been told for years is that the Germans murdered their victims by gassing and then cremated the bodies. So when people see the photo of the crematorium, thats what they think. There is obviously something wrong with the whole story, because its now known the Germans did not gas people at Dachau.
Here an American GI writes how he witnessed the allies construct a phony crematory at Dachau in 1964-65.
This is a document about a short book a German soldier wrote of how he was forced by the Russians to build a gas chamber at Sachsen-Hausen "after" the war was over. The German governent threatened to throw him in jail. They may no longer be occupied by enemy soldiers, but the mentally they are still occupied.
So this is a lie too.
In order for someone to "deny" something, it has to first be an incontovertible fact, but many of the so called facts we have been told are outright lies. And the people that call someone a "holocaust denier" stand with liars.
Interesting how the responses are typical Holocaust denial.
FYI - Poland was in the Soviet bloc until the overthrow of communism. Did you not know this?
The Auschwitz figure (the Russian one) was never used by Western historians to determine the approx. 6 million figure. Following the overthrow of communism (and Stalinist falsification) Auschwitz re-examined the figure with a thorough investigation. They concluded 1.1 million - corroborating what western historians had said all along. And they changed their figure.
As Western historians had never used the Russian figure, there was no need to change the overall figure.
This is very readily available information - anyone with a real interest should have no problem in finding out the facts. That the poster has never bothered speaks of their intent - and their confirmation bias.
Still, it's very interesting that Gilad Atzmon attracts such posts. Gee, I wonder why that would be?
Letter from Dr Rascher to Himmler: 1942
Dr. Sigmund Rascher
Togerstr. 56
August 9, 1942
Esteemed Reichsführer!
As you know, the same installation as in Linz is to be built in Dachau. As the 'invalid transports' terminate in the special chambers anyway I wondered if it would be possible to test the effects of our combat gases in these chambers using the persons who are destined for those chambers anyway. The only reports which are available so far are for experiments on animals or of accidents in the manufacture of these gases.
S. Rascher
All lies, right? But as the poster says, it seems highly likely that Dachau's gas chamber was not used for homicide. The poster is attacking a strawman - neither the Holocaust nor the notion of mass homicide by gas rests upon Dachau having been used for such purpose. Strawman.
The poster claims "we were told for years that people were gassed at Dachau" who? How does the poster know some people were not? There is evidence suggesting they were, though not in the sense of mass-homicide.
The poster correctly relates that soldiers *at the time* believed gassings had taken place -
hardly surprising liberating soldiers thought so as they were confronted with piles of corpses, and there WAS a gas chamber at Dachau.
And the letter from Rascher to Himmler serves as an example that it wasn't beyond the Nazi ken to do so. But unlike the Nuremberg IMT, the American Military Tribunal at Dachau did not include charges of Crimes against Humanity - though there was testimony and evidence presented at the Dachau trials that SOME people were gassed there.
The poster seeks to present a strawman - and by attacking it suggest the Holocaust never happened. Fail.
It's impressive that Mearsheimer endorses this book. I can't wait to read it. It's already received numerous negative views from people who haven't - I first heard about it from Andy Newman in the Guardian, who argues that we shouldn't talk about the Lobby because its anti-semitic and this doesn't help the Palestine solidarity movement. What he means of course is that exposing the Lobby is exactly what the movement needs to do, what it has omitted to do, and this is why it has failed, and he wants this to continue.
PS. Many good people, like Jeff Blankfort, argue that we should avoid the big H. I disagree - I don't think you can avoid it - it gets shoved down your throat all the time. We should openly discuss it, and this means allowing people who you think are greatly underestimating it. You answer their arguments courteously, the same as any other argument you disagree with. Full marks to Gilad for stirring up this debate.
Jay Knott: Andy Newman in the Guardian.....argues that we shouldn't talk about the Lobby because its anti-semitic and this doesn't help the Palestine solidarity movement.
That's not what he says. If he says that, quote him saying it. Otherwise, we all know you accept you are lying.
(1) Do you believe it possible to fit 60-70 women and children + 17 barbers + Benches +SS guards into a room 12ft X 12ft. with a tiled, slippery, sloping floor and the women have their hair cut?. (2) Do you believe that human blood is combustible?. (3) Do you believe that a young naked girl can jump over a 9ft electrified fence?. (4) Do you believe women's bodies burn better than mens?. (5) Do you believe pregnant women's bellies split while burning in pits exposing foetuses aflame in their wombs?. (6) Do you believe it possible to burn 10-20,000 people in hours in pits dug into marsh land ?. (7) Do you believe it possible to kill 870,000 people and bury them, dig them up and burn them on open pyres in winter without fuel? (8) Do you believe it possible for the blood of murdered people to spout up from the ground in geysers over months, and the ground heave and move in sympathy?. (9) Do you also believe it possible to kill 840,000 people at one time by a pedal driven brain smashing machine and cremate them in 4 portable ovens, on car trailers, all within 2 months? (10) Do you accept the technically impossible claim of great flames shooting high into the air from crematoria chimneys, with different coloured smoke denoting where the victim was from and whether it was a man or woman?. These and many more impossible claims have been accepted as “Fact” and people hanged because of it!....If you say NO to any of these, Your a denier! Welcome aboard....
I am left with concerns that such an important aspect of modern history is shrouded in controversy. We have exact knowledge about so many other things which happened in the Second World War, and yet still it seems even after all of this time, any attempts to conduct properly accepted historical research are met with hostility, name calling, smears, and the general denigration of the individual who proposes it.
Historical analysis requires an objective, scientific approach, in order to understand it properly. Otherwise it will remain a subject that presents more questions than answers. One in which people are just required to believe, and discuss only within the confines of an accepted narrative.
Perhaps someone will be kind enough to correct me, but I have difficulty trying to separate the assertion that there was a Russian stated amount which differed from that of historians in the West.
My understanding was that all of the papers produced on the subject by the former head of Soviet propaganda, Ilya Ehrenberg were given over to Western historians following his death, and placed in the Yad Vashem Museum?
The "Russian" version has thus been available to Western historians to study or refute for some considerable time.
In response to Mick, of Oct 13, 2013. YOU MISSED ONE. Everyone knows, that Germany's tanks were too few, inferior in fire power and numbers to those of Czechoslovakia and France - horses still played a large role.
Yet, Germany allegedly had this marvel of electrical engineering as a killing machine, according to "eye witnesses". The Nazis built a huge circular water pool, several feet deep. There was, in the center, a huge, round column with a vast plate on it, almost as large in diameter as the pool itself.
Inmates were forced onto this plate, which was then charged with an electrical current. People and plate were then submerged into the water and naturally electrocuted.
After that, the plate, filled with dead bodies would rise out of the water. The plate was then charged again, acting like a stove-top burner, cremating these unfortunates. It would then tilt, [TRY TO IMAGINE THE ENORMOUS KNUCLE JOINT ] removing the ashes, MOSTLY INTO THE WATER ? Then the process would be repeated.
Where would the enormous electrical amperage come from for this diabolic machine. What about the enormous hydraulic pump to raise and lower this " burner ", including its own heavy steel construction and the weight of the victims. What about the separation of current and water? Building codes don't even allow outlets near kitchen sinks. Alone the switching devices would have to have been especially designed and mounted. The column would have to have been insulated from, yet sturdily connected to the plate or even the heaviest fuses would blow.
At least the British reverted, partially, to their good manners, when, after WW1, they apologized to the German nation for their " soap from POWs " and other atrocity propaganda.
Unquestioanbly, mass shootings occured. Many of these dead were Soviet-Jewish partisans, unprotected by Conventions, as were hundreds of Germans on D-Day, because it was inconvenient to detain them.
A thousand curses on all habitually absentee war mongers.
Re: Charles Frey, Feb 9th. I did not miss it nor any of the other phasmagorical and psychotic imaginings foisted upon the world by these 'fable artists'. Only space prevented me from detailing each and every absurd claim. The electrified floor was mentioned in 'The Promise Hitler Kept' by Stefan Szende, published in 1945. Your description is very good but we need not worry about this fiendish murder weapon anymore as its all been dropped from history as too absurd to be believed, even by the 'court historians'. I always keep Titus mind when reading anything relating to 'The Great Hoax'.....
Back to you Mick. Here's one you probably have not yet heard of, which negates your statement, that it has all been dropped from history as too absurd to be believed.
The NY Jewish FORWARD, in my opinion, publishes 'some' balanced stories/op ed/ news items. Imagine my surprise and disgust upon reading MY ESCAPE FROM TREBLINKA in that weekly . Not some years back in discredited " history " - but last year.
That author wrote, that he was part of the inmate leadership, planning a revolt and escape. When it started, he, like others in the in-group, could have helped himself to any weapon in the baracks of the overwhelmed Ukrainian guards. He chose an axe, then fled. A Ukrainian guard, armed with a rifle, pursued him through the woods
After a prolonged chase, the Ukrainian closed on him and readied to take the shot. The bullet STOPPED SHORT OF ENTERING THE ESCAPEE'S BODY - HIS SHIRT HAVING ABSORBED THE REMAINDER OF ITS SPENT FORCE. Our escapee turned and threw his axe, implanting it in the chest of the wild-eyed Ukrainian: the axe obviously having a longer range than a Mauser bullet.
It is also a crime, that such untreated sewage should be deemed suitable for publication.
Its laughable mendacity detracts from occurrences of real tragedy, trivializing and relativizing them. Yad Vashem, in sight of Deir Yassin, has a small photo album, left behind by a Baltic Jewess inmate from Auschwitz. One photo depicts a girl of ca. fourteen, with a stylish haircut and overcoat. Her upright but cramped posture clearly shows, that she is carrying all the world's woes on her young shoulders. I often wonder what happened to her. {Internet access].
In our collective quest to do things better in the future, by fighting lies, we cannot sacrifice our own humanity,
I was close to Ernst Zundel's group in Toronto, which, as you know, put up a hell of a fight in numerous court battles. His late lawyer Christie leaving no stone unturned. They courageously critcized and questioned absolutely everything; and there was a lot - and a lot remains.
Yet, not even once, either personally or in a group setting, did I ever hear a callous personal remark against "the Jews".
I personally think, that Walt and Mearsheimer understated their case. And my heart bleeds for the Palestinians. And I detest my Merkel for "selling" them two missile destroyers, etc., etc. But let us not join the Foxmans and his ilk in the gutter.
To those who want to write off my comments, I want to say, that as a yougster I ate from the field-kitchens of the German Army, Luftwaffe, SS, Vlasov, Soviet and finally US troops, back in Berlin. I have seen enough charred bodies. People die as individuals, not as quantities.
Re; Charles Frey. Yes I have heard the 'miracle shirt story', I have collected a large library of 'Hoax' books and have been researching this subject for over 30 years. When I said they had dropped it from history I was referring to the 'Electrified Floor Story', like so much of the Holocaust fable, it changes with time yet always keeps up to date with new sordid memoirs like the one I'm reading at the moment, 'Treblinka A Survivor's Memory' by Chil Rajchman. released in 2009. A more insane and mendacious work of fiction could not be invented.As for Palestine please watch my little video.... The German people have been propagandized, demonized and vilified for 70 years and continue to be occupied both from within by a succession of quisling governments and from outside by American Jewry...
Charles Frey: P.S.I Forgot to Identify the 'Axe hero of Treblinka', it was 'Jankiel Wiernik' he of yet another book of lies 'A Year In Treblinka'....
Back to Mick. COMPUTERS FOR DUMMIES was too advanced for this old dog, so I hope to reach you through this again. What is your website and have you ever compiled a list of all the hoax material you have collected ?
Regrettably, your three lines on Germany are also its comprehensive history; everything domestic and in foreign affairs falls under your two rubrics.
With the recent decisions on broadening the sphere of German military presence, I am waiting for the Likud to call AIPAC, to call Congress, to call State and the Pentagon, to call Brussels to call Berlin, so that the Bundeswehr will be deployed to Palestine, to drive the Arabs into the sea: pursuant to plans dating back to 1897 in Basel.: with Dayton, Oslo, Madrid and a dozen other diversions having served as mere pepper spray. 1948 or 1967 my tuches.
East Germans waited 14 years after ordering one of those plastic oilburners defined as cars. The parents of Merkel, like her, serving the communists there, had TWO cars, and probably not Trabants. Now her official philosophy is that Germany exists solely for Israel, arrogating the right to speak for all Germans. "Israel is Germany's raison d'etat !" Life for me would be very affordable there. I would be a guest of the state 95 days of a 100.
How can the crimes of one state against another people or state be redeemed by criminal complicity with such wronged state, or people ? Only a Sage Rabbi could explain that. And of course they have.
And, totally off topic: last year I posted a "Note to Pat" on Buchanan's site, recommending, that rather than enumerating all Republican Israel Firsters each time, in our discussions, we should more briefly refer to them as REPUBLIKUDS.
As well as: "When non-adherence to political correctness becomes punishable, we should call it by its real name: OPINION TERROR ". That, among many other aspects, was not exclusively the domain of the German variant of fashism, merely a forerunner.
Pls don't forget to send me your site location.
Re;Charles Frey. Sorry but I don't have a web site, my location is London. As for compiling a list of 'Hoax' books, No, but many if not all are available for sale, it just takes a bit of investigative work to uncover original copies. The most informative books, from a revisionist point of view are those from the 1940s & 50s as they tend to contain much of the 'unsanitized' claims of survivors. I too have a lot of respect for both Ernst Zundel & Ingrid Rimland who have suffered greatly at the hands of the Zionist thought police. Doug Christie was simply fearless in his defence of truth and is much missed. Just from a point of interest, I began my 'Hoax' research after reading 'The Holocaust Story and the lies of Ulysses ' by Paul Rassinier. I highly recommend it as it is the memoirs of a gentile survivor of both Buchenwald & Dora camps and refutes most of the more sordid claims which now form the accepted Holocaust narrative.......
Charles Frey. I could, of course list here my complete collection of Holohoax books but suspect that Gilad would complain that we had taken over his site. I will find a way to get my Email address to you, should you think it worthwhile....
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Thanks for providing helpful information on goldberg vs mearsheimer.