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    Bernard-Henri Levy and the Jewish Accusatory Inversion

    …by Romain Redouin


    It is quite noticeable that one of the most used Jewish tactics – especially among sayanim such as Bernard-Henri Levy – is the little known concept of “accusatory inversion”, consisting of constantly transferring your own symptoms onto someone else’s behaviour. The last BHL’s article in the New York Times [1] is nothing less than just a brilliant opportunity to grasp this methodical chutzpah:

    Although the recent plane crash in Ukraine happened a week ago and that the investigation is still going on, it does not prevent BHL to already title is article “Putin’s Crime” which already shows that his level of propaganda is as subtle as The Sun’s one on the day after the crash:

    BHL goes on explaining to us that Putin has been “playing with fire”, mobilizing “the worst element to be found in the region” and going as far as saying that Putin took “thugs, thieves, rapists, ex-cons and vandals” and turned them into a paramilitary force”. To make it short, Putin is responsible for the birth of a war gang by supplying weapons, as well as training them on the way to use it. Whether the French Sherlock Holmes is right or wrong is not what is most interesting here.

    In fact, what we see here is a narrative that we’ve all seen already somewhere else. More exactly, a narrative that describes pretty well BHL’s own symptoms! It is not a secret that BHL – who is very quick to describe Putin as a warmonger – has been involved in numerous number of wars himself.

    Starting in 1981 where he went to Pakistan to give some radios to some member of the afghan resistance, then to Bosnia in the 90’s where, according to one of his close friend, Gilles Hertzog, with whom he co-produced the documentary “Bosnia”, he was himself involved in arms trafficking [2] (On behalf of human right of course!).

    In 2002 he declared that the Iraq War was morally justified and during the Cast Lead operation in 2008-09 he was obviously in favour of the oppressor. Most recently, it is “as a Jew” that he “took part of this political adventure in Libya” [3]. The term political adventure here refers to the genocide which is still happening now in the country for the obvious reason that this is probably, according to him, the best way to bring democracy but as well, and most importantly, because those events taking place are “good for Israel” [4] as he reminded us during the Arab spring. So far, and who knows for how long, his main failure is the unsuccessful attempt to convince the French president Francois Hollande to invade Syria…

    bhl-kievIn this article he continues to happily spread his symptoms by arguing that the investigation is nearly impossible due to the lack of humanity of those criminals against Ukraine. Once again, we are left puzzled by whether BHL is actually describing east Ukraine or if he, in fact, refers to what is orchestrated right now in Gaza by his bellowed Jewish State?

    I suggest the reader, as an example, to replace the word Putin in the sentence of this article underneath and replace it by Netanyahu to experience what this article is all about:

    Have we not a moral obligation to draw logical conclusions about a crime for which, because of his incendiary and irresponsible policies, deeply unworthy of the president of a great power, Mr. Putin is, in the end, wholly responsible?

    Impressive, isn’t it?

    The same goes when BHL is blaming France, Germany and Britain for acting so pusillanimously towards Putin. Should not we rather read BHL with a mirror and understand that the institutions that those 3 countries are mostly succumbing are the Jewish lobbies to which BHL largely works for?

    Finally, all this makes us realize that rather than reading the title of his article “Putin’s crime, Europe cowardice”, we should rather understand that what BHL really means is “Bernard Henry-Levy’s crime, Europe cowardice”.

    The chutzpah must go on!





    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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