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    Gilad Atzmon: A Glimpse into Israeli Paranoia

    Watch this amusing new Hasbara video. It seems as if the Israelis start to acknowledge that the days of their ‘Jews only state’ are numbered. They clearly gather that they are about to be forced out of the West Bank. In this short  propaganda film Israel seems to acknowledge that it will be squeezed  into the 1949 armistice lines.

    *Every state has the right of ‘self defence’ says the Hasbara video, yet,  someone better remind the Israelis that not many countries celebrate their symptoms at the expense of others.


    *According to this Hasbara film, in 1967 Israel was attacked by four countries, until recently we were all convinced that it was actually the other way around, it was  Israel that launched that war. Truth and historical truthfulness is not highly valued in the Jewish state.


    * What are Israel's ‘defensible borders’? The Jordan Rift Valley says the film, for tanks, ballistic missiles or airplanes can never cross this unbridgeable natural barrier.


    * Ladies and gentlemen, 2 minutes and forty seven seconds into this new Hasabara video the voice over explains why Israel should never be “forced back into the 1949 armistice lines”. In other words, the  Israelis start to realise that the legitimacy of their Jewish state is under question.  They somehow start also to grasp  that their one and only recognised international border is the 1949 Armistice lines.


    * I never thought that it would be that quick and easy.


    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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