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    Gilad's USA September Tour

    September 17    Wednesday    Houston, TX    

    Jazz Performance and Discussion by Gilad Atzmon

    Where: WHERE: Café Layal-6328 Richmond Ave. HOUSTON, 77057
                  (Between Hillcroft and Fountainview)
     WHEN: Wed. Sept. 17,  7:30 PM

    Sponsored by: Justice for Palestinians

    Donations Accepted (Seating Limited)


    September 18    Thursday    Austin, TX

     Gilad Atzmon in Austin, TX


    To find more details, RSVP Send Mail

    or call 512 270 0092


    September 19    Friday    Denver, CO  

    COMMUNITY FORUM FOR THE HEART & MIND – in the Sanctuary at First Universalist Church of Denver (4101 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 – NE corner Hampden & Colorado Blvd.)

    Special Forum – at 7:00 p.m.
    Reception and food/snacks at 6:00 p.m.

    The Israeli-Palestine Conflict and the Path to Peace – (and more) with Richard Forer and Gilad Atzmon
    Suggested donation $10 – no one turned away
    This will be an engaging exploration of their experiences and perspectives about Israel-Palestine, with Q&A and discussion 

    September 20    Saturday    Seattle, WA

    “Stop Unholy Alliance” Forum

    When: 7pm
    Where: University Temple United Mothodist Church (across from UW Bookstore) 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle
    Speakers: Gilad Atzmon, Henry Herskovitz, Greg Felton, and Dr. Ibrahim Soudy”


    September 21    Sunday    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    September 22    Monday    Portland, OR  

    Gilad Atzmon Presents:
    Cognitive Partitioning of America, Israel & Palestine

     When: 5-8:30pm
    Where: Flying Pie Pizza
    7804 SE Stark St. Portland, OR

    One Night Only!
    Gilad is the ex-Israeli that the gate-keepers are scared of talking to or about.

    Jazz with Gilad Atzmon with Steve Cleveland, Russell Gores & Dan Schulte

    @ Velo Cult

    from 9-10:30pm


    September 23    Tuesday    Berkeley, CA    

    Cognitive Partitioning of America, Israel & Palestine

    Gilad Atzmon rarely thinks inside the box.  Many consider his ideas offensive, but Gilad would ask, "Are they wrong?"  This is, of course, the right question.

    Gilad thinks he has achieved some breakthroughs that he has not yet published and that he would like to share with you.  According to him, they help to answer questions like why the Palestinian liberation movement and the Palestine solidarity movements have been held back and thus far unable to achieve their goals, but the implications are much wider.

    Gilad's talk and discussion will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in a private residence in Berkeley.  If you wish to attend, please respond to or 510-236-5338.  We ask you not post to lists, but if you wish to share with interested individuals, please do so.


    September 24    Wednesday    Chicago, IL   

    Stop the Palestinian Genocide: A Discussion on Tactics and Strategies for Supporters of Palestine  With Author/Jazz Artist Gilad Atzmon. Jazz Jam by Gilad Atzmon with artist Donavan Mixon following the discussion.

    When: 7-9p.m.
    Northeastern Illinois University Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center Recital Hall.  3701 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60625.
    Contact: Dr. June Terpstra at RECREATION

    Sponsored by: Liberation Education Action Research Network and NEIU Justice Studies Department”


    September 26    Friday   NYC, NY    

    Gilad Atzmon Quartet in NYC @ZEB’S

    ZEBFLAG223 West 28th st.#2 New York, NY 10001

    Gilad Atzmon is coming from London for a unique session at Zeb’s studio, Manhattan, NYC.
    You will be experiencing Gilad’s collaboration with three of NYC’s finest musicians: Ben Meigners on upright bass, Jason Brown on the drums and Saul Rubin on Guitar.

    Sets at 8pm and 10pm Book now:

    September 27 Saturday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova, New Jersey –

    new, interesting development of artistic dialogue between NYC based pianist Amina Figarova, originally from Azerbaijan, and saxophone player Gilad Atzmon began a few years ago in Luxembourg leading to concert tours in the UK and the US. The duo performs jazz standards as well as original compositions in musical exploration. No grandstanding, no coasting - just two masterful musicians playing together.


    September 28   Sunday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova    Baltimore, MD, Location


     September 29    Monday  Manhattan   

    18 West 18th St., Between 5th & 6th Avenues, 6th Floor, Room 606, NYC

    “The Biology of the Conflict: the Building of the Cognitive Elite Meritocracy Within the Jewish Ghetto, American Society, and Gaza”.

    RSVP strongly recommended: Phone: 212.879.3961

    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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