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    In the ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’

    In the ‘only Democracy in the Middle East’, Jewish Knesset Member Anastasia Michaeli was caught today on camera throwing water in the face of Palestinian  Knesset Member Ghaleb Majadele.  The violent incident took place  during a Knesset's Education, Culture and Sports Committee meeting.

    In the Jewish State, people like MK Michaeli are in charge of ‘education’ and ‘culture’. Its no wonder that Israel has become a criminal collective

    - a poll taken at the time of Operation Cast Lead (January 4-6, 2009) revealed that  94% of the Jewish population  strongly supported the murderous operation; 92% thought it had security benefits for Israel; 92% justified the air force strikes on Gaza.

    We are clearly dealing with a very problematic continuum.   

    To watch video:,7340,L-4173224,00.html

    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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