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    Jewish News For Christmas – Bugs Bunny is a Jew.

    By Gilad Atzmon


    On Christmas Eve the ultra Zionist Algemeiner decided to break out the news to the world -“Bugs Bunny might be Jewish”

    The Jewish outlet reported today that, ‘a noted Jewish-British cinematic historian has claimed that the world’s most famous rabbit displays prominent Jewish characteristics.” According to the Jewish scholar David Yehuda Stern, Bugs Bunny was “created by a Jewish producer, lived in a Jewish neighbourhood, has a distinctly New York/Jewish accent and uses his wit and sense of humour to avoid all attempts to eliminate him.”

    I guess that when we talk about Hollywood’s indoctrination in the context of Jewish Power, we should feel free to refer to the Zionist outlet as well as the ‘noted Jewish cinematic historian’.

    Watch the bunny at the service of the USA propaganda machine:


    The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish power and Hollywood - available on  &


    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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