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    Oy Vey - Brazilian Jews Take to The Streets To Push for Change .. 

    “I believe the highest call of my Jewish identity is to change the world. I hold tikkun olam [repair of the world] as the most coherent expression of Jewish values,” said Bruno Cintra, a blogger well known in the Jewish community for his writing on Brazilian culture and politics.
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    I think that time is ripe to launch a fund for Tikun Olam's victims - those who were destroyed in the name of Jewish progressive ideology.  

    As I have mentioned many times in the past, before those   Tikkiun Olam enthusiasts 'repair the world' they may want to consider fixing their Jewish State and dismantling its forceful Lobby.

    Here is a short Israeli video about IDF military tactics being exported to Brazil

    The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics in general  and Jewish Left's spin in particular  or




    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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