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    The Unilateral People by Gilad Atzmon

    By Gilad Atzmon • Jan 18th, 2009 
    They withdraw unilaterally
    They ceasefire unilaterally
    They invade unilaterally
    They win unilaterally
    They destroy unilaterally
    They massacre unilaterally
    They bathe in blood unilaterally
    They spread white phosphorus unilaterally
    They kill women and children unilaterally
    They drop bombs unilaterally
    They live on stolen land unilaterally
    They support their homicidal leaders unilaterally
    They love their ‘Jewish Only State’ unilaterally
    Their democracy is unilateral
    They love themselves unilaterally
    They are the unilateral people.
    Living behind walls of concrete, hatred and arrogance
    They are still united and lateral failing to love their neighbours


    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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