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    To Buy Gilad's Music and Books

    Atzmon writes  on political matters, social issues,  Jewish identity and culture. His  papers are published on very many press outlets around the world.  Here is just a short list of his recent publications: World News, Press Tv, Rebelion, The Daily Telegraph, Uprooted Palestinians, Veterans Today, Palestine Telegraph, Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Aljazeera Magazine,   Information Clearing House,   Middle-East-Online,   Palestine Chronicle, The People Voice, RedressShoa (The Palestinian Holocaust) , The Guardian, transcend and many more.

    Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics

    Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. The purpose in this book is to open many of these issues up for discussion. Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of ’Judaism’, ‘Jewishness’, ‘Jewish culture’ and ‘Jewish ideology’ stand for. Gilad examines the tribal aspects embedded in Jewish secular discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist; the ‘holocaust religion’; the meaning of ‘history’ and ‘time’ within the Jewish political discourse; the anti-Gentile ideologies entangled within different forms of secular Jewish political discourse and even within the Jewish left. He questions what it is that leads Diaspora Jews to identify themselves with Israel and affiliate with its politics. The devastating state of our world affairs raises an immediate demand for a conceptual shift in our intellectual and philosophical attitude towards politics, identity politics and history.

    The book is available on  or

    Gilad Atzmon on HardTalk BBC Persia (english) from Gilad Atzmon on Vimeo.


    The Guardian Of Big Money

    By Gilad Atzmon

    The Guardian is backing a "No" vote in the Scottish independence referendum.

    “Nationalism is not the answer to social injustice,” the paper’s editorial suggested yesterday.

    Not that I want to enter this debate. I am an immigrant in the UK and I do not feel entitled to take part in this discussion. However, this tense political situation deserves our close intellectual attention.

    Is it really a coincidence that Britain is on the verge of tribal and nationalist fragmentation at the time the Middle East is going through the exact same process? For the time being I’ll leave this question open.

    The Guardian insists that ‘nationalism’ is not the ‘answer to social injustice,’ but can it support an argument to backup such a pompous statement? What is it in the love to one’s soil and people that contradicts social justice? Is belonging to an extended national collective necessarily a bad thing?

    If the Guardian had the courage to self-reflect it may as well realised that it is the anti British ideology that has been spewed by the paper, as well as the New Left, that led to the rise of Scottish nationalism. The reason is simple – the ordinary Scot may say  ‘If Britain has nothing to offer as an extended nationalist collective, we the Scots have a lot to offer instead.’

    The Guardian may as well want to ask itself, how did it end up in the same camp with the big businesses and global banks? The answer is simple. Globalisation and New Left’s anti patriotism are intermingled. The New Left is there to weaken the state and break the Working Class into ID groups and by doing so preparing the ground for the invasion of big money and Global forces.  The Guardian of Judea had a major role in facilitating this unfortunate social change.


    PISTOLIUS by Enzo Apicella


    Gilad's USA September Tour

    September 17    Wednesday    Houston, TX    

    Jazz Performance and Discussion by Gilad Atzmon

    Where: WHERE: Café Layal-6328 Richmond Ave. HOUSTON, 77057
                  (Between Hillcroft and Fountainview)
     WHEN: Wed. Sept. 17,  7:30 PM

    Sponsored by: Justice for Palestinians

    Donations Accepted (Seating Limited)


    September 18    Thursday    Austin, TX

     Gilad Atzmon in Austin, TX


    To find more details, RSVP Send Mail

    or call 512 270 0092


    September 19    Friday    Denver, CO  

    COMMUNITY FORUM FOR THE HEART & MIND – in the Sanctuary at First Universalist Church of Denver (4101 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 – NE corner Hampden & Colorado Blvd.)

    Special Forum – at 7:00 p.m.
    Reception and food/snacks at 6:00 p.m.

    The Israeli-Palestine Conflict and the Path to Peace – (and more) with Richard Forer and Gilad Atzmon
    Suggested donation $10 – no one turned away
    This will be an engaging exploration of their experiences and perspectives about Israel-Palestine, with Q&A and discussion 

    September 20    Saturday    Seattle, WA

    “Stop Unholy Alliance” Forum

    When: 7pm
    Where: University Temple United Mothodist Church (across from UW Bookstore) 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle
    Speakers: Gilad Atzmon, Henry Herskovitz, Greg Felton, and Dr. Ibrahim Soudy”


    September 21    Sunday    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    September 22    Monday    Portland, OR  

    Gilad Atzmon Presents:
    Cognitive Partitioning of America, Israel & Palestine

     When: 5-8:30pm
    Where: Flying Pie Pizza
    7804 SE Stark St. Portland, OR

    One Night Only!
    Gilad is the ex-Israeli that the gate-keepers are scared of talking to or about.

    Jazz with Gilad Atzmon with Steve Cleveland, Russell Gores & Dan Schulte

    @ Velo Cult

    from 9-10:30pm


    September 23    Tuesday    Berkeley, CA    

    Cognitive Partitioning of America, Israel & Palestine

    Gilad Atzmon rarely thinks inside the box.  Many consider his ideas offensive, but Gilad would ask, "Are they wrong?"  This is, of course, the right question.

    Gilad thinks he has achieved some breakthroughs that he has not yet published and that he would like to share with you.  According to him, they help to answer questions like why the Palestinian liberation movement and the Palestine solidarity movements have been held back and thus far unable to achieve their goals, but the implications are much wider.

    Gilad's talk and discussion will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in a private residence in Berkeley.  If you wish to attend, please respond to or 510-236-5338.  We ask you not post to lists, but if you wish to share with interested individuals, please do so.


    September 24    Wednesday    Chicago, IL   

    Stop the Palestinian Genocide: A Discussion on Tactics and Strategies for Supporters of Palestine  With Author/Jazz Artist Gilad Atzmon. Jazz Jam by Gilad Atzmon with artist Donavan Mixon following the discussion.

    When: 7-9p.m.
    Northeastern Illinois University Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center Recital Hall.  3701 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60625.
    Contact: Dr. June Terpstra at RECREATION

    Sponsored by: Liberation Education Action Research Network and NEIU Justice Studies Department”


    September 26    Friday   NYC, NY    

    Gilad Atzmon Quartet in NYC @ZEB’S

    ZEBFLAG223 West 28th st.#2 New York, NY 10001

    Gilad Atzmon is coming from London for a unique session at Zeb’s studio, Manhattan, NYC.
    You will be experiencing Gilad’s collaboration with three of NYC’s finest musicians: Ben Meigners on upright bass, Jason Brown on the drums and Saul Rubin on Guitar.

    Sets at 8pm and 10pm Book now:

    September 27 Saturday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova, New Jersey –

    new, interesting development of artistic dialogue between NYC based pianist Amina Figarova, originally from Azerbaijan, and saxophone player Gilad Atzmon began a few years ago in Luxembourg leading to concert tours in the UK and the US. The duo performs jazz standards as well as original compositions in musical exploration. No grandstanding, no coasting - just two masterful musicians playing together.


    September 28   Sunday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova    Baltimore, MD, Location


     September 29    Monday  Manhattan   

    18 West 18th St., Between 5th & 6th Avenues, 6th Floor, Room 606, NYC

    “The Biology of the Conflict: the Building of the Cognitive Elite Meritocracy Within the Jewish Ghetto, American Society, and Gaza”.

    RSVP strongly recommended: Phone: 212.879.3961


    Michael Gove and the Holocaust

    By Gilad Atzmon

    The Guardian of Zion reported yesterday that: “Tory chief whip attacks protesters' response to Gaza conflict and comparisons between Israel's actions and Nazi war crimes”

    Michael Gove stated,  “too many people are conflating legitimate criticism of Israel's general policies with straightforward anti-Semitism?"  It would be enlightening to learn from Gove how he suggests that one formulate an appropriate kosher criticism of the Jewish State and its Jewish lobbies without being tagged as an anti-Semite. Is criticism of the fact that 80% of Tory MPs (Gove included)  are friends of Israel a legitimate criticism of the Jewish state and its power? Is the fact that 80% of the British conservative MPS care about Tel Aviv,  but  not  one of them has paid enough attention to Glasgow or Paisley a valid criticism? Or is any such critique classified as Jew hatred that I will be accused of spewing once again.

    Ignoramus ex-Secretary of State for Education Gove said, “protesters who are boycotting Israeli goods over Gaza need to be reminded that the Nazi campaign against Jewish goods ended with a campaign against Jewish lives.” The facts suggest the opposite. It was the 1933 Jewish boycott of German goods that led to the most severe measures against German Jews and later European Jewry.

    Click to read more ...


    Palestinian Parody about ISIS 


    Precious piss-take on Jazz (watch it)


    Jewish Terror Again

    Jewish man who spoke at Gaza rally forced to flee Salford home after he was assaulted and house attacked twice

    The family are understood to have left the home on Curzon Road, Salford, after it was attacked twice
    Paul Simpson

    An Orthodox Jewish man who spoke out against Israel’s bombing of Gaza has fled his home after it was vandalised twice and he was assaulted.

    Downstairs windows at the property in Curzon Road, Higher Broughton, Salford, were smashed, eggs thrown at the property and graffiti daubed on the door and window sill.

    The victim’s car was sprayed with red paint.

    Police say they are treating the attacks as hate crimes.

    The man is understood to have moved out of the terraced property after being targeted by a mob of up to 30 people.

    The victim had expressed his views in the local community and also on King Street, in Manchester city centre, which has been the scene of protests by pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups.

    The man’s home now has a To Let sign up and the downstairs windows are still boarded up, with eggshells on the doorstep.

    One neighbour told the M.E.N: “It was a Wednesday night, just before midnight. We heard this almighty commotion in the street. Shocking bawling and swearing.

    “There was fighting going on and someone was trying to keep the peace and keep people apart.

    “We assume the man who lived in the house has been hounded out.

    “But he is entitled to his opinion.”

    Click to read more ...


    The Great Jacob Cohen On Dieudonné and the French Sayanim (must watch)


    Walid Darab Talks with Gilad Atzmon

    Gaza, Israeli defeat and the Judification of the solidarity movement...


    Tour Dates: UK, USA & Italy

    September  UK/USA


    9   Gilad Atzmon 4tet Wilmslow Conservative Club, Manchester

    10 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE No.1 Shakespeare Street Bar & Kitchen, Stratford Upon Avon,

    11.  Gilad Atzmon & The OHE  Bloomsbury pub in Twickenham, London

    12  With Norman Watt Roy, @ The Thunderbolt, Bristol

    13 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE,  606 Jazz Club, London

    15 With Nick Hill Trio The Bedford Arms, Bedford

    Gilad Atzmon 2014 USA September Tour

    September 17    Wednesday    Houston, TX    

    Jazz Performance and Discussion by Gilad Atzmon

    Houston_thumbWhere: 1504 Wirt Rd. -Unitarian Fellowship (approx 1 mile north of I-10 just past Westview across from Krogers))
    When: Wednesday September 17, 2014 7:30pm

    Sponsored by: Justice for Palestinians

    Donations Accepted (Seating Limited)


    September 18    Thursday    Austin, TX

     NewGiladSept14poster_thumbGilad Atzmon in Austin, TX






    September 19    Friday    Denver, CO  

    COMMUNITY FORUM FOR THE HEART & MIND – in the Sanctuary at First Universalist Church of Denver (4101 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 – NE corner Hampden & Colorado Blvd.)

    Special Forum – at 7:00 p.m.
    Reception and food/snacks at 6:00 p.m.

    The Israeli-Palestine Conflict and the Path to Peace – (and more) with Richard Forer and Gilad Atzmon
    Suggested donation $10 – no one turned away
    This will be an engaging exploration of their experiences and perspectives about Israel-Palestine, with Q&A and discussion 

    September 20    Saturday    Seattle, WA


    “Stop Unholy Alliance” Forum

    When: 7pm
    Where: University Temple United Mothodist Church (across from UW Bookstore) 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle
    Speakers: Gilad Atzmon, Henry Herskovitz, Greg Felton, and Dr. Ibrahim Soudy”


    September 21    Sunday    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    September 22    Monday    Portland, OR  

    Gilad Atzmon Presents:
    Cognitive Partitioning of America, Israel & Palestine

    GiladPortland2014_thumbWhen: 5-8:30pm
    Where: Flying Pie Pizza
    7804 SE Stark St. Portland, OR

    One Night Only!
    Gilad is the ex-Israeli that the gate-keepers are scared of talking to or about.

    Jazz with Gilad Atzmon with Steve Cleveland, Russell Gores & Dan Schulte

    @ Velo Cult

    from 9-10:30pm


    September 23    Tuesday    Berkeley, CA    

    Event Details TBA

    Location: Grassroots House, 2022 Blake St., Berkeley, CA 94704 6:30 p.m.  (performance 7:30-9:00pm)

     September 24    Wednesday    Chicago, IL   


    Stop the Palestinian Genocide: A Discussion on Tactics and Strategies for Supporters of Palestine  With Author/Jazz Artist Gilad Atzmon and Peace and Justice Studies President / Neiu Justice Studies Department Chairperson, Dr. Cris Toffolo
    Jazz Jam by Gilad Atzmon with artist Donavan Mixon following the discussion.

    When: 7-9p.m.
    Northeastern Illinois University Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center Recital Hall.  3701 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60625.
    Contact: Dr. June Terpstra at RECREATION

    Sponsored by: Liberation Education Action Research Network and NEIU Justice Studies Department”


    September 25    Thursday    TBA

    September 26    Friday   NYC, NY    


    Gilad Atzmon Quartet in NYC @ZEB’S

    223 West 28th st.#2 New York, NY 10001

    Gilad Atzmon is coming from London for a unique session at Zeb’s studio, Manhattan, NYC.
    You will be experiencing Gilad’s collaboration with three of NYC’s finest musicians: Ben Meigners on upright bass, Jason Brown on the drums and Saul Rubin on Guitar.

    Sets at 8pm and 10pm Book now:

    September 27 Saturday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova, New Jersey -Details to folow 

    September 28   Sunday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova    Baltimore, MD, Location TBA

     September 29    Monday  Manhattan   

    18 West 18th St., Between 5th & 6th Avenues, 6th Floor, Room 606, NYC

    “The Biology of the Conflict: the Building of the Cognitive Elite Meritocracy Within the Jewish Ghetto, American Society, and Gaza”.

    RSVP strongly recommended: Phone: 212.879.3961



    October  UK/Italy UK

    3 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE, Sheffield Jazz, Sheffield

    4  Gilad Atzmon & The OHE, The Lighthouse, Deal, Kent

    5  Gilad Atzmon & The OHE,  Peterborough Jazz Club, Peterborough

    Italy – concerts and talks

    6-7 Milan, details to follow

    8-9 Rome, details to follow


    11 With the Blockheads, Picturedome, Holmfirth, UK

    12 With Norman Watt-Roy, The Musician, Leicester UK

    15. With Norman Watt-Roy,  Hare & Hounds, Birmingham, UK

    16 With Norman Watt-Roy, The Victoria, Swindon, UK

    17 With the Blockheads, Epic Studios, Norwich, UK

    18 With the Blockheads, Legends Festival, Vauxhall,  Great Yarmouth. UK

    23 Gilad With Strings St. Georges, Bristol. UK

    28 With Norman Watt-Roy, @ The Half Moon Putney, London, Uk  

    30 With Shez Raja @ The 606 Jazz Club, London, UK

    Page 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 260 Next 10 Entries »

    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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