September UK/USA
9 Gilad Atzmon 4tet Wilmslow Conservative Club, Manchester
10 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE No.1 Shakespeare Street Bar & Kitchen, Stratford Upon Avon,
11. Gilad Atzmon & The OHE Bloomsbury pub in Twickenham, London
12 With Norman Watt Roy, @ The Thunderbolt, Bristol
13 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE, 606 Jazz Club, London
15 With Nick Hill Trio The Bedford Arms, Bedford
September 17 Wednesday Houston, TX
Jazz Performance and Discussion by Gilad Atzmon
Where: 1504 Wirt Rd. -Unitarian Fellowship (approx 1 mile north of I-10 just past Westview across from Krogers))
When: Wednesday September 17, 2014 7:30pm
Sponsored by: Justice for Palestinians
Donations Accepted (Seating Limited)
September 18 Thursday Austin, TX
Gilad Atzmon in Austin, TX
September 19 Friday Denver, CO
COMMUNITY FORUM FOR THE HEART & MIND – in the Sanctuary at First Universalist Church of Denver (4101 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver, CO 80222 – NE corner Hampden & Colorado Blvd.)
Special Forum – at 7:00 p.m.
Reception and food/snacks at 6:00 p.m.
The Israeli-Palestine Conflict and the Path to Peace – (and more) with Richard Forer and Gilad Atzmon
Suggested donation $10 – no one turned away
This will be an engaging exploration of their experiences and perspectives about Israel-Palestine, with Q&A and discussion
September 20 Saturday Seattle, WA
“Stop Unholy Alliance” Forum
When: 7pm
Where: University Temple United Mothodist Church (across from UW Bookstore) 1415 NE 43rd St., Seattle
Speakers: Gilad Atzmon, Henry Herskovitz, Greg Felton, and Dr. Ibrahim Soudy”
September 21 Sunday Vancouver, BC, Canada
September 22 Monday Portland, OR
Gilad Atzmon Presents:
Cognitive Partitioning of America, Israel & Palestine
When: 5-8:30pm
Where: Flying Pie Pizza
7804 SE Stark St. Portland, OR
One Night Only!
Gilad is the ex-Israeli that the gate-keepers are scared of talking to or about.
Jazz with Gilad Atzmon with Steve Cleveland, Russell Gores & Dan Schulte
@ Velo Cult
from 9-10:30pm
September 23 Tuesday Berkeley, CA
Event Details TBA
Location: Grassroots House, 2022 Blake St., Berkeley, CA 94704 6:30 p.m. (performance 7:30-9:00pm)
September 24 Wednesday Chicago, IL
Stop the Palestinian Genocide: A Discussion on Tactics and Strategies for Supporters of Palestine With Author/Jazz Artist Gilad Atzmon and Peace and Justice Studies President / Neiu Justice Studies Department Chairperson, Dr. Cris Toffolo
Jazz Jam by Gilad Atzmon with artist Donavan Mixon following the discussion.
When: 7-9p.m.
Northeastern Illinois University Recital Hall, Fine Arts Center Recital Hall. 3701 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Chicago, IL 60625.
Contact: Dr. June Terpstra at RECREATION
Sponsored by: Liberation Education Action Research Network and NEIU Justice Studies Department”
September 25 Thursday TBA
September 26 Friday NYC, NY
Gilad Atzmon Quartet in NYC @ZEB’S
223 West 28th st.#2 New York, NY 10001
Gilad Atzmon is coming from London for a unique session at Zeb’s studio, Manhattan, NYC.
You will be experiencing Gilad’s collaboration with three of NYC’s finest musicians: Ben Meigners on upright bass, Jason Brown on the drums and Saul Rubin on Guitar.
Sets at 8pm and 10pm Book now:
September 27 Saturday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova, New Jersey -Details to folow
September 28 Sunday - Gilad Atzmon with Amina Figarova Baltimore, MD, Location TBA
September 29 Monday Manhattan
18 West 18th St., Between 5th & 6th Avenues, 6th Floor, Room 606, NYC
“The Biology of the Conflict: the Building of the Cognitive Elite Meritocracy Within the Jewish Ghetto, American Society, and Gaza”.
RSVP strongly recommended: Phone: 212.879.3961
October UK/Italy UK
3 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE, Sheffield Jazz, Sheffield
4 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE, The Lighthouse, Deal, Kent
5 Gilad Atzmon & The OHE, Peterborough Jazz Club, Peterborough
Italy – concerts and talks
6-7 Milan, details to follow
8-9 Rome, details to follow
11 With the Blockheads, Picturedome, Holmfirth, UK
12 With Norman Watt-Roy, The Musician, Leicester UK
15. With Norman Watt-Roy, Hare & Hounds, Birmingham, UK
16 With Norman Watt-Roy, The Victoria, Swindon, UK
17 With the Blockheads, Epic Studios, Norwich, UK
18 With the Blockheads, Legends Festival, Vauxhall, Great Yarmouth. UK
23 Gilad With Strings St. Georges, Bristol. UK
28 With Norman Watt-Roy, @ The Half Moon Putney, London, Uk
30 With Shez Raja @ The 606 Jazz Club, London, UK